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JCI World Congress 2014 in Leipzig – Day 6 – Stop talking. Start planting. The Farewell Ball …

Hier die Bilder vom 6. Tag (Samstag) mit Bildern des Farewell Ball und vom Vormittag mit der Aktion „Stop talking – start planting“ mit Felix Finkbeiner (Plant for the Planet) und ein paar Impressionen vom Leipziger Weihnachtsmarkt.

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Here are my pictures of final day of the congress with  the „Save our future – Stop Talking. Start planting.“-Session with a speech of Felix Finkbeiner (the founder) and the great Farewell Ball and a few impressions of the Christmas Market in Leipzig.
If you want to share/use a photo you are free to do so. But please add my name and the link of my facebook page (likes are welcome) if you post it on Facebook or if elsewhere on the WWW set a link to my main website or this page. Thank you.

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